Gravity flows: Types, definitions, origins, identification markers, and problems
Gravity lows
Debris flow, Gravity flow, Fluidized/Liquefied flow, Grain flow, Hyperpycnal flow, Thermohaline contour current, Turbidity currentAbstract
Abstract This review covers 135 years of research on gravity flows since the first reporting of density plumes in the Lake Geneva, Switzerland, by Forel (1885). Six basic types of gravity flows have been identified in subaerial and suaqueous environments. They are: (1) hyperpycnal flows, (2) turbidity currents, (3) debris flows, (4) liquefied/fluidized flows, (5) grain flows, and (6) thermohaline contour currents. The first five types are flows in which the density is caused by sediment in the flow, whereas in the sixth type, the density is caused by variations in temperature and salinity. Although all six types originate initially as downslope gravity flows, only the first five types are truly downslope processes, whereas the sixth type eventually becomes an alongslope process. (1) Hyperpycnal flows are triggered by river floods in which density of incoming river water is greater than the basin water. These flows are confined to proximity of the shoreline. They transport mud, and they do not transport sand into the deep sea. There are no sedimentological criteria yet to identify hyperpycnites in the ancient sedimentary record. (2) A turbidity current is a sediment-gravity flow with Newtonian rheology and turbulent state in which sediment is supported by flow turbulence and from which deposition occurs through suspension settling. Typical turbidity currents can function as truly turbulent suspensions only when their sediment concentration by volume is below 9% or C < 9%. This requirement firmly excludes the existence of 'high-density turbidity currents'. Turbidites are recognized by their distinct normal grading in deep-water deposits. (3) A debris flow (C: 25-100%) is a sediment-gravity flow with plastic rheology and laminar state from which deposition occurs through freezing en masse. The terms debris flow and mass flow are used interchangeably. General characteristics of muddy and sandy debrites are floating clasts, planar clast fabric, inverse grading, etc. Most sandy deep-water deposits are sandy debrites and they comprise important petroleum reservoirs worldwide. (4) A liquefied/fluidized low (>25%) is a sediment-gravity flow in which sediment is supported by upward-moving intergranular fluid. They are commonly triggered by seismicity. Water-escape structures, dish and pillar structures, and SSDS are common. (5) A grain flow (C: 50-100%) is a sediment-gravity flow in which grains are supported by dispersive pressure caused by grain collision. These flows are common on the slip face of aeolian dunes. Massive sand and inverse grading are potential identification markers. (6) Thermohaline contour currents originate in the Antarctic region due to shelf freezing and the related increase in the density of cold saline (i.e., thermohaline) water. Although they begin their journey as downslope gravity flows, they eventually flow alongslope as contour currents. Hybridites are deposits that result from intersection of downslope gravity flows and alongslope contour currents. Hybridites mimic the "Bouma Sequence" with traction structures (Tb and Tc). Facies models of hyperpycnites, turbidites, and contourites are obsolete. Of the six types of density flows, hyperpycnal flows and their deposits are the least understood.
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