Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal and Natural Gas --Not Less” by Alex Epstein
Alex Epstein’s “Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas--Not Less”, rich in empirical data and common sense, is a timely masterpiece. It makes a compelling case for more Fossil Fuels (Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas) for the survival of the human race amid the Net Zero ultimatum on CO2 emission by 2050. In practice, Fossil Fuels are cheap, reliable, and necessary, whereas Renewable Energy (Wind and Solar) is expensive, unreliable, and a luxury. Petrochemicals are the building blocks of wind turbines and solar panels. At present, humans cannot collect renewable energy without petrochemical based wind turbines and solar panels (i.e. without emitting CO2). It is worth noting that there are 772 Pounds of petrochemical Plastics in each electric car. Therefore, the whole renewable-energy (Wind and Solar) movement is the height hypocrisy!
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