A tribute to Sarbani Patranabis-Deb (13th November, 1966?31st October, 2022): A superb sedimentologist
Sarbani Patranabis-Deb was an impressive multi-disciplinary earth scientist grounded on conventional scientific method of examining the rocks in the field. She was born in West Bengal, India on the 13th November, 1966 and passed away in Kolkata, India on the 31st October, 2022. Sarbani was an accomplished sedimentologist, stratigrapher, sandstone petrologist, volcanic geologist, geochronologist, tectonics specialist, basin analyst, and a global geologist. She had a remarkable career in academia by joining the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in 1997. I had the privilege of getting to know Sarbani both professionally and personally during the past 20 years since her obtaining Ph.D. in 2001. It was serendipity that the Directors of ISI requested my professional evaluation of her academic performance in 2008, 2013, and 2019 towards her career advancements at ISI. Although my research interest focuses primarily on deep-water processes (Shanmugam, 2021, 2022), Sarbani and I had many common interests of research domains, which included deltaic sedimentation, shelf sedimentation, tidal sedimentation, sequence stratigraphy, sediment deformation, tectonics, and diagenesis. We both published articles on fan deltas (McPherson et al., 1987; Patranabis-Deb and Chaudhuri, 2007).
Bachhar, P, Saha, D., Santosh, M., Liu, H.D., Kwon, S., Banerjee A., Patranabis-Deb, S., Deb, G.K. (2021). Mantle heterogeneity and crust-mantle interaction in the Singhbhum craton, India: new evidence from 3340 Ma komatiites. Lithos, 382-383.
Banerjee, A., S?owakiewicz, M., Majumder, T., Khan, S., Syczewski, M.D., Patranabis-Deb, S., Tucker, M.E., Saha, D. (2019). Geochemical clues to the enigma of Palaeoproterozoic Vempalle Formation dolomites. Precambrian Research, 328, 9-26.
Banerjee, A., Patranabis-Deb, S., Saha, D., De, S., Saha, S. (2022). Mahakut Chert Breccia in Kaladgi basin, India: Unsolved IssuesJournal of the Palaeontological Society of India 67(1):12-21.
Basu, A., Patranabis-Deb, S., Schieber, J. and Dhang, P. C. (2008). Stratigraphic Position of the ~1000 Ma Sukhda Tuff (Chhattisgarh Supergroup, India) and the 500 Ma Question. Precambrian Research 167, 383–388.
Basu, A., Schieber, J., Patranabis-Deb, S. and Dhang, P.C. (2013). Recycled detrital quartz grains are sedimentary rock fragments indicating unconformities: examples from the Chhattisgarh Supergroup, Bastar craton, India. Journal of Sedimentary Research 83, 368–376.
Bhattacharya, P. and Patranabis-Deb, S. (2016). Stratigraphic evolution of the Proterozoic succession in the western part of the Chattisgarh basin, India. Journal Geological Society of India, 87, 287-307.
Bickford, M.E., Basu, A., Patranabis-Deb, S., Dhang, P.C. and Schieber, J. (2011). Depositional History of the Chhattisgarh Basin, Central India: Constraints from New SHRIMP Zircon Ages. Journal of Geology 119, 33–50.
Bickford, M.E., Basu, A., Mukherjee, A., Hietpas, J., Schieber, J., Patranabis-Deb, S., Ray, R. K., Guhey, R., Bhattacharya, P. and Dhang, P.C. (2011). New U-Pb SHRIMP Zircon Ages of the Dhamda Tuff in the Mesoproterozoic Chhattisgarh Basin, Peninsular India: Stratigraphic Implications and Significance of a 1-Ga Thermal-Magmatic Event. Journal of Geology, 119, 535–548.
Bickford, M.E., Basu, A., Kamenov, G.D., Mueller, P.A., Patranabis-Deb, S. and Mukherjee, A. (2014). Petrogenesis of 1000 Ma Felsic Tuffs, Chhattisgarh and Indravati Basins, Bastar Craton, India: Geochemical and Hf-Isotope Constraints. Journal of Geology 122, 43-54.
Chaudhuri, A. K., Saha, D., Deb, G. K., Patranabis Deb, S., Mukherjee, M. K. and Ghosh, G., (2002). The Purana Basins of Southern Cratonic Province of India ? A Case for Mesoproterozoic Fossil Rifts. Gondwana Research 5, 23-33.
Chaudhuri, A.K., Deb, G.K., Patranabis-Deb, S. and Sarkar, S. (2012). Paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Pranhita-Godavari valley, Central India: A stratigraphic perspective. American Journal of Science, 312, DOI 10.2475/04.2012.00].
Chaudhuri, A.K., Deb, G.K., Patranabis-Deb, S. (2015). Conflicts in stratigraphic classification of the Puranas of the Pranhita–Godavari Valley: review, recommendations and status of the ‘Penganga’ sequence. In: Mazumder, R. & Eriksson, P. G. (eds) Precambrian Basins of India: Stratigraphic and Tectonic Context. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 43, 165–183.
Collins, A.S., Patranabis-Deb, S., Alexander, E., N. Bertram, C.N., Falster, G.M., Gore, R.J., Mackintosh, J., Dhang, P.C., Saha, D., Payne, J.L., Jourdan, F., Backé, G, Halverson, G.P, Wade B.P. (2015). Detrital Mineral Age, Radiogenic Isotopic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Significance of the Cuddapah Basin, India. Gondwana Research, 28, 1294-1309. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2014.10.013.
Conrad, J.E., Hein, J.R., Chaudhuri, A.K., Patranabis-Deb, S., Mukhopadhyay, J., Deb, G.K. and Beukes, N.J. (2011). Constraints on the development of central India Proterozoic basins from 40Ar/39Ar analysis of authigenic glauconitic minerals and geological implications. Geological Society of America Bulletin 123, 158–167.
Deb, G.K., Saha, D., Patranabis-Deb, S., Banerjee, A. (2021). Coexisting Arc and MORB signatures in the Sonakhan greenstone belt, India: late Neoarchean – early Proterozoic subduction rollback and back-arc formation. The American Journal of Science 321, 1308-1349.
Kale, V.S., Saha, D., Patranabis-Deb, S., Sesha, Sai V.V., Tripathy, V., Patil-Pillai, S. (2020). Cuddapah Basin, India: A collage of Proterozoic subbasins and terranes. Proc Indian National Science Academy (PINSA) 36th International Geological Congress Special Issue. Geoscience Research in India: The Indian Report to IUGS 2016-2020. Guest Editors DM Banerjee, AK Jain Somnath Dasgupta and Sunil Bajpai. 86,137-166.
Khan, S., Majumder, T, Patranabis-Deb, S., Saha, D. (2020). Deformation Structures in a Large Slump Horizon, Paleoproterozoic Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah Basin, Southern India. Journal of Geology, 128.
Majumder, T. and Patranabis-Deb, S., (2020). Lithostratigraphy of the Papaghni Group around Daditota-Gooty area, Andhrapradesh, India and its tectonic implication. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 96,.151-162.
McPherson, J.G., Shanmugam, G., Moiola, R.J. (1987). Fan-deltas and braid deltas: varieties of coarse-grained deltas. Geol. Soc. America Bulletin, 99, 331–340.
Mohamed Beraaouz, M., Abioui, M., Patranabis-Deb, S. (2019). Precambrian (Ediacaran) stromatolites in the Amane-n’Tourhart (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Jour. Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), 108, 54, 1273-1274.
Patranabis Deb, S. (2001). Origin of Mesoproterozoic basins of India: implications on India Rodinia assembly. Gondwana Research, 4, 604-605.
Patranabis Deb, S. (2003). Proterozoic felsic volcanism in the Pranhita-Godavari Valley India: its implication on the origin of the basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21, 623-631.
Patranabis Deb, S. (2004). Lithostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic Chattisgarh sequence, its bearing on the tectonics and palaeogeography. Gondwana Research 7, 323-337.
Patranabis Deb, S. (2005). Tidal shelf sedimentation in the Neoproterozoic Chattisgarh succession of Central India. Journal of Earth System Science 11, 211-226.
Patranabis-Deb S. (2022). Preface to the thematic issue “Mesoproterozoic Basins recording Earth’s Middle Age”. Geological Magazine 159, 177-178 doi.org/10.1017/S0016756821.
Patranabis Deb, S. and Chaudhuri, A.K. (2002). Stratigraphic architecture of the Proterozoic succession in the eastern Chattisgarh basin: its tectonic implication. Sedimentary Geology, 147, 105-125.
Patranabis-Deb, S. and Chaudhuri, A.K. (2007). A retreating fan delta system in Proterozoic Chattisgarh basin, central India: facies analysis and palaeotectonic implications. AAPG Bulletin 91, 1-24.
Patranabis-Deb, S., Schieber, J., Chaudhuri, A.K. (2007). Microbial Mat Features in mudstone of the Mesoproterozoic Somanpalli Group, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, India. In: Atlas of Microbial Mat Features Preserved within the Siliciclastic Rock Record, 2 (eds. Juergen Schieber, Pradip Bose, P.G. Eriksson, Santanu Banerjee, Subir Sarkar, Wladyslaw Altermann and Octavian Catuneanu), 171-180, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 324p.
Patranabis-Deb, S., Bickford, M.E., Barbara Hill, Chaudhuri, A.K. and Basu, A. (2007). SHRIMP ages of zircon in the uppermost tuff in Chattisgarh basin in central India require ~500-Ma adjustment in Indian Proterozoic stratigraphy, Journal of Geology, 115, 407-415.
Patranabis-Deb, S., Schieber, J. and Basu, A. (2009). Almandine Garnet Phenocrysts In A ~1Ga Old Rhyolitic Tuff From Central India. Geological Magazine, 146, 133-144.
Patranabis-Deb S., Saha D. and Tripathy V., (2012). Basin stratigraphy, sea-level fluctuations and their global tectonic connections—evidence from the Proterozoic Cuddapah Basin. Geological Journal 47, 263–283 (DOI: 10.1002/gj.1347).
Patranabis-Deb, S., S?owakiewicz, M., Tucker, M.E, Pancost, R.D., Bhattacharya, P. (2016). Carbonates and related facies with vestiges of biomarkers from the Chattisgarh Basin, India: Clues to redox conditions in the Mesoproterozoic ocean. Gondwana Research, on-line July 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2015.06.007.
Patranabis-Deb, S., Majumder, T; Khan, S. (2018). Lifestyles of the Palaeoproterozoic stromatolite builders in the Vempalle Sea, Cuddapah Basin, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences in special issue: The Asian continental collage (Editors) E. Shaji, Kwon S., Yang Q., 157, 360-370.
Patranabis-Deb, S., and Saha, S. (2020). Geochronology, paleomagnetic signature and tectonic models of cratonic basins of India in the backdrop of Supercontinent amalgamation and fragmentation. 36th International Geological Congress Legacy Volume, “Geodynamic evolution of the Indian subcontinent”. Guest Editors: Fareeduddin, Pant, N.C., Gupta S., Chakraborty P.P., Sensarma S., Prasad G.V.R., Srivastava P, Jain A.K., Rajan R., and Tiwari V.M. Episodes 43.
Patranabis-Deb, S, Saha, D. and Santosh, M. (2020). Tracking India Within Precambrian Supercontinent Cycles. Chapter 3, in Gupta N.S. and Tandon S.K., (ed.) Geodynamics of the Indian Plate: Evolutionary Perspectives. 105-143. Springer Nature, Switzerland
Saha, D., Patranabis-Deb, S. (2014). Proterozoic evolution of Eastern Dharwar and Bastar cratons, India – An overview of the intracratonic basins, craton margins and mobile belts. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 91, 230-251. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.jseaes.2013.09.020
Sen, S., Mishra, M., Patranabis-Deb, S. (2014). Petrological study of the Kaimur Group sediments, Vindhyan Supergroup, Central India: implications for Provenance and tectonics. Geosciences Journal, 18, 307-324, doi 10.1007/s12303-014-0008-8.
Shanmugam, G., (1985). Types of porosity in sandstones and their significance in interpreting provenance, in G. G. Zuffa (ed.), Provenance of Arenites: D. Reidel Publishing Company, Holland, pp. 115 137.
Shanmugam, G., (1985). Significance of coniferous rain forests and related Organic matter in generating commercial quantities of oil, Gippsland basin, Australia: AAPG Bulletin, v. 69, pp. 1241 1254.
Shanmugam, G. (2015). The landslide problem. Journal of Palaeogeography, 4(2), 109–166.
Shanmugam, G. (2016a). Submarine fans: a critical retrospective (1950–2015). Journal of Palaeogeography, 5(2), 110–184.
Shanmugam, G. (2016b). The contourite problem. In: Mazumder, R. (Ed.), Sediment Provenance. Elsevier, pp. 183–254. Chapter 9.
Shanmugam, G. (2016c). The seismite problem. Journal of Palaeogeography, 5(4), 318–362.
Shanmugam, G. (2017a). Global case studies of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS): definitions, classifications, advances, origins, and problems. Journal of Palaeogeography, 6(4), 251–320.
Shanmugam, G. (2017b). Contourites: physical oceanography, process sedimentology, and petroleum geology. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 44 (2), 183–216.
Shanmugam, G. (2017c). The response of stromatolites to seismic shocks: tomboliths from the Palaeoproterozoic Chaibasa Formation, E India: discussion and liquefaction basics. Journal of Palaeogeography, 6 (3), 224–234.
Shanmugam, G. (2017d). The fallacy of interpreting SSDS with different types of breccias as seismites amid the multifarious origins of earthquakes: implications. Journal of Palaeogeography, 6(1), 12–44.
Shanmugam, G. (2018a). The hyperpycnite problem. Journal of Palaeogeography, 7(3), 197–238.
Shanmugam, G. (2018b). Bioturbation and trace fossils in deep-water contourites, turbidites, and hyperpycnites: a cautionary note. In: Special Issue dedicated to George Devries Klein by the Journal of the Indian Association of Sedimentologists (JIAS). Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, 35 (2), 13–32.
Shanmugam, G. (2018c). A global satellite survey of density plumes at river mouths and at other environments: plume configurations, external controls, and implications for deep-water sedimentation. Petrol. Explor. Development, 45(4), 640–661.
Shanmugam, G. (2019a). Global significance of wind forcing on deflecting sediment plumes at river mouths: implications for hyperpycnal flows, sediment transport, and provenance. Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, 36(2), 1–37.
Shanmugam, G. (2019b). Slides, Slumps, Debris Flows, Turbidity Currents, Hyperpycnal Flows, and Bottom Currents. In: J. Kirk Cochran, Henry J. Bokuniewicz and Patricia L. Yager (Editors-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Third Edition) Volume 4, pp. 228-257.
Shanmugam, G. (2020). Gravity flows: Types, definitions, origins, identification markers, and problems. Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, 37(2), 61-90.
Shanmugam, G. (2021). Mass transport, gravity flows, and bottom currents: Downslope and alongslope processes and deposits. Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN: 9780128225769, p. 608.
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Shanmugam, G., and Moiola, R.J. (1995). Reinterpretation of depositional processes in a classic flysch sequence (Pennsylvanian Jackfork Group), Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas and Oklahoma. AAPG Bulletin, 79, 672–695.
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Shanmugam, G., Poffenberger, M., and Toro Alava, J. (2000). Tide-dominated estuarine facies in the Hollin and Napo (`T'and `U') formations (Cretaceous), Sacha field, Oriente Basin, Ecuador. AAPG Bulletin, 84, 652–682.
Slowakiewicz, M., Banerjee, A., Patranabis-Deb, S., Deb, G.K., Tucker, M. (2022). Sinuous stromatolites of the Chandi Formation, Chattisgarh Basin, India: their origin and implications for Mesoproterozoic seawater. Geological Magazine. 159(2):279-292
Wabo, H., Beukes, N.J., Patranabis-Deb, S., Saha, D., Belyanin, G. Kramers, J.D. (2022). Paleomagnetic and Ar/ Ar age constraints on the timing of deposition of deep-water carbonates of the Kurnool Group (Cuddapah basin) and correlation across Proterozoic Purana successions of Southern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 223, Article 104984 doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2021 .104984.
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