Bioturbation and trace fossils in deep-water contourites, turbidites, and hyperpycnites: A cautionary note


  • Shanmugam G


Bioturbation; Contourites; Hyperpycnites; Trace fossils; Turbidites;


Bioturbation and trace fossils have been claimed to be an important attribute of contourites, turbidites, and hyperpycnites. However, these biogenic features have nothing to do with fluid mechanics of depositional processes of contour currents, turbidity currents, or hyperpycnal flows. Bioturbation can be both syn- and post-depositional in timing. Therefore, the presence of ichnological signatures in the ancient sedimentary record is irrelevant for interpreting deep-water deposits as a product of a specific process.


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How to Cite

G, S. (2018). Bioturbation and trace fossils in deep-water contourites, turbidites, and hyperpycnites: A cautionary note. Journal of The Indian Association of Sedimentologists (peer Reviewed), 35(2), 13–32. Retrieved from
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