Reminiscing over six decades of global scientific journey (1962-2024): Sedimentary processes, environments, deposits, deformation, fossil fuels, Climate change and groupthink
This review is based on my Address delivered as the Chief Guest at the 39th Convention of the Indian Association of Sedimentologists at Annamalai University in Tamil Nadu, India on December 6 2023, Wednesday Morning, just after the Inauguration of the above Convention (Shanmugam, 2023f). My scientific journey from Annamalai University to America and beyond is composed of the following attributes:
- Covering a span of 62 years (1962?2024).
- It began unexpectedly, but owes it to the great motivation of Prof. T. N. Muthuswami Iyer.
- It began with no specific long-term agenda.
- While, at Mobil Oil Company, fortunately, many research projects were assigned to me.
- Thus inducing, enabling and culminating in over 150 projects - as a student, researcher, teacher, and consultant.
- Duration of projects varied from just 3 months in some to about10 years in a few cases.
- These Projects taught me to transform many obstacles to opportunities.
- By investing 100% of my energy, focus, and efforts, irrespective of the Project being small or very large.
- All the projects pursued are based on empirical data derived from drill cores, outcrops, and experiments. The underpinning of all my research work has always been to unravel the truth, without the distraction of Groupthink.
- Thus, the unstinted devotion to work and research enabled the publication of almost every research topic during the past 62 years resulting in over 380 published works, including five Elsevier books.
The Convention Address was thus a glimpse of the scientific journey undertaken, in terms of
- People: Scientists and others,
- Projects: >150 (Global),
- Publications: >380,
- Recognition: Several,
- Nature Photography: Norway, China, Ecuador, Spain, India, China, Saudi Arabia, and,
- A Perspective.
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