Geochemistry of the Transitional beds between Disang and Barail Successions of the Imphal Valley, Indo-Myanmar Ranges
Disang-Barail Transition Sequence, Paleoclimate, Paleo-redox, Indo-Myanmar Ranges, sedimentary environmentAbstract
Major and trace element concentrations were studied from the tansitional beds between Disang and Barail Successions of the Imphal valley, Indo-Myanmar Ranges. Various major and trace element ratios and discrinant diagrams were used to descipher paleoclimate, paleo-redox condition and sedimentary depositional environment of the Disang-Barail Transitional beds. SiO2 vs Al2O3+K2O+ Na2O diagram and Rb/Sr ratios indicates that paleoclimate during the deposition of the sediments changed from arid to semi-arid and humid climate. Ni/Co, V/Cr, V/(Ni+V), V/Sc ratios suggest that these sediments were deposited in oxic, suboxic to anoxic conditions. V/(Ni+V) vs V/Cr diagram suggests paleo-redox environment dominated by sub-reduction to oxidization during Disang –Barail Transitional deposition. The sediments were deposited in transitional to marine depositional environment.
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