Geochemistry, Depositional and Tectonic setting of the Barail Group of the Indo-Myanmar Ranges
Geochemistry, Depositional, Tectonic setting, Barail Group, Indo-Myanmar Ranges, Marine environmentAbstract
The present paper deals with the study of the depositional environment and tectonic setting during the sedimentation of the Barail Group of rocks of the Indo-Myanmar Ranges (IMR). The Barail Group (Oligocene) consist of sandstone intercalated with shale and siltstone. Geochemical study suggests low to high degree of chemical weathering. ICV vs. CIA, Al2O3 vs. TiO2 diagrams indicate that the sediments were derived from the multiple source rocks dominantly of mafic composition. Arid to semi-arid/semi-humid climate prevailed during the deposition of the Barail Group sediments. Sedimentation occurred in a tectonic setting of overlap of passive to active continental margin under marine environment.
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