Provenance, tectonic setting and palaeoclimate of Proterozoic Jiran Sandstone, Southeastern Rajasthan, India: A petrographic approach
Proterozoic Jiran Sandstone rests unconformably on Binota Shale and Khori-Malan Conglomerate. The Jiran Sandstone is comprised mainly of fine to medium-grained, varicolored, thickly bedded sandstones, showing diverse primary sedimentary structures such as ripple marks, planar, and trough cross-bedding. Petrographically, Jiran Sandstone is of mainly quartzarenite which is composed of varieties of quartz with ultra-scarcity of feldspar, lithic fragments, micas, and heavy minerals. Quartz is more abundant mineral shown by X-ray Diffraction Analysis. The provenance, tectonic setting, and paleoclimatic condition of the Jiran sandstone were evaluated using integrated petrographic studies. Analysis pursuant, monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz grains and heavy minerals are driven primarily from metamorphic and plutonic Precambrian basement source rocks of a craton interior setting with a minor quartzose recycled sedimentary source material. Intensive chemical weathering in warm and humid paleoclimate is indicated by lack of feldspar and rock fragments.
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