Geochemistry and tectonic setting for the deposition of IOG siliciclastics at the western margin of Bonai Granite, Singhbhum-Orissa Craton, India
Siliciclastics, Provenance, QPC, Diagram, Tectonic, Siliciclastics, Provenance, QPC, Diagram, TectonicAbstract
Bagiyabahal and Birtola areas are located in the south-western extension of the Noamundi-Koira Iron Ore Group (IOG) basin. Rock types exposed in the area comprises of siliciclastics and volcanics which occurs unconformably over the basement tonalite-trondhjemite granite-gneiss (Bonai Granite Phase-I). The cover rocks show sheared contact with the porphyritic Bonai Granite Phase-II. The IOG basin margin is suggested to be a part of a ‘volcanic passive margin’ as indicated by the geochemical behaviour of the siliciclastics as well as massive emplacements of mafic intrusives (doleritic sill, dyke and gabbro) and extrusives (basaltic lava flow) along faulted continental blocks. The siliciclastics comprise of U and Au bearing quartz-pebble conglomerate (QPC) and quartzite succession. It was deposited along the western margin of the Bonai granite (phase I) in anoxic conditions as indicated by their low Th/U ratios and presence of detrital uraninite grains. Repeated cycles of sedimentation and volcanism led to the formation of alternate layers of siliciclastics and basic bodies in the area. Major, trace and rare earth elements (REE) geochemical data suggests a semi-humid to humid palaeo-climatic environment of during the deposition in the passive continental margin setting characterized by fault-controlled sedimentation over a rift related faulted continental crust and shelf. Geochemical data suggests chemically weathered provenance dominated by clay minerals. Higher content of U, Th, Au, Cr, REE, platinum group of elements (PGE) and other geochemical ratios suggest a mixed provenance for the deposition of the siliciclastics comprising a predominantly acidic/granitic source possibly from the Bonai Granitic Complex (BGC) along with granite derived reworked quartzose sediments, minor basic and ultrabasic sources of Older Metamorphic Group (OMG). This paper attempts to characterize the geochemical behaviour, tectonic setting and provenance of the siliciclastics of Birtola and Bagiyabahal areas by analyzing drill core and surface samples.
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