Lithofacies Analysis of the Tista River Deposits, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Lithofacies, Tista, channel deposits, overbank fines and suspension.Abstract
Eight (8) distinct lithofacies within the fluviatile reach of the Tista River have been recognized by the detailed study of the sediments as exposed along the river bank and river bars. Genetically, the matrix-supported conglomerate (Gms), massive sand (Sm), Trough cross stratified sand (St), planar cross stratified sand (Sp), ripple laminated sand (Sr) comprise the channel deposits whereas, the ripple laminated sand (Sr), parallel laminated sand (Sh), clay with silt (Fl) and massive Clay (Fm) represent overbank fine deposits. The channel deposits were laid down under relatively high energy conditions compared to the sediments of overbank fines. The stratigraphic succession is indicative of fining upward sequence. The dominance of coarser-grained sediments at the base of the lithostratigraphic unit, especially the matrix supported conglomerate (Gms) suggests that the deposition took place in the proximal part of the Tista Fan, which might be of glacial origin. Massive clay (Fm) is the final stage of vertical aggradations in the overbanks, possibly in the floodplains, flood basins, and back swamps when the velocity of the transporting medium was virtually lean that promotes the deposition of clay materials from suspension. The growth of cracks in the sedimentary succession is resulting from the compaction of the sediments and/or instant change in the paleoslope direction. The unimodal distribution of paleocurrent data with high mode value indicates mainly unidirectional sediment transport. The study of the lithofacies manifests that the deposits are produced by the braided river and debris flows. The modification of the depositional pattern from debris flow to overbank fines discloses the change of climatic condition in the Quaternary period.
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