Constraining provenance and age of the siliciclastic rocks from the south-western Bundelkhand Craton, Central India


  • Erfan Mondal Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
  • Kamaal Parvez Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002 (India)
  • Iftikhar Ahmad Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002 (India)
  • Wamiq Mohammed Khan Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002 (India)



The lithology of the Bundelkhand craton, central India, includes highly deformed tonalite, trondhjemite and granodiorite (TTG) gneisses (3.55–2.7 Ga), followed by volcano-sedimentary greenstone belts and a suite of undeformed granitoids ranging in age from 2.52 to 2.49 Ga. The granitoids, which are by far the most dominant lithology of the craton, have intruded into the TTG gneiss-greenstone assemblage. In addition to huge granitic bodies, rhyolitic rocks of 2.54 Ga have also been observed in the Bundelkhand craton. In this study, we report the first occurrence of a small isolated outcrop of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks within the Bundelkhand granitoid suites in and around the Panchwara village, in the southwestern part of the craton. These siliciclastic sedimentary rocks are intruded by the youngest granitic phase of the Bundelkhand granitoid suite, dated as 2.49 Ga old. Thus, their age is determined to be older than 2.49 Ga. Petrographic studies suggest that these rocks are arkose in nature and geochemical composition indicates that they were derived from the older gneiss-greenstone successions and the older granitic phase (2.52 Ga) of the Bundelkhand granitoid suite. The REE modelling suggests that the sediment contribution from different sources is: 50% greenstone belt (15% basalt + 35% sedimentary rocks), 35% gneisses and 15% older granitoids. Detrital zircons from these sedimentary rocks reveal two age populations: one group of zircons is clustering around 2.52 Ga and the other group is ranging from 3.0 to 3.3 Ga indicating at least two protoliths for these sediments. Our field, petrographical and geochemical data, coupled with previously studied zircon geochronological data, is best explained by a model involving deposition of sediments derived from TTG gneiss, greenstone belt and also from the older phase of the granitoid suite. It is interesting to note that the basin received sediments from the older granitic phase of 2.52 Ga age and was closed before the emplacement of the youngest granitic phase at 2.49 Ga. This study, thus, provides for the first time, conclusive evidence for the presence of a late Archean sedimentary basin within the Bundelkhand craton. It is proposed that the sediments were deposited penecontemporaneously with the pulses of the granitoid magmatism in the Bundelkhand Craton that took place ~2.5 Ga.


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How to Cite

Mondal, E., Parvez, K., Ahmad, I., & Khan, W. M. (2024). Constraining provenance and age of the siliciclastic rocks from the south-western Bundelkhand Craton, Central India. Journal of The Indian Association of Sedimentologists (peer Reviewed), 41(I), 22–30.
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