Petroleum Potential of the West Coast of India


  • Naresh Kumar Growth Oil and Gas


Deep-water Hydrocarbon Potential, Western Indian margin, Early rifting history, Saurashtra/Mumbai offshore basins,


This paper suggests that high oil potential exists for the outer shelf/slope of Kutch, Saurashtra, and Mumbai offshore basins along the western Indian margin. During the early rifting (Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary), area seaward of these offshore basins developed into a restricted seaway bordered by the Indian margin to the east, Laxmi Ridge to the west, an arm of the newly forming Mid Indian-Ocean Ridge to the north, and an extension of the Laccadive Ridge to the south. This narrow basin was filled by early-rift lagoonal and fluvial sediments. During the transition to post-rift (drift) stage, these sediments were buried by fine-grained clastics of the Indus Fan or sediment-gravity flows from the Indian peninsula. The total sediment thickness and the type of crust underlying the outer margin suggests that hydrocarbons were probably generated and migrated to traps that formed along the margin. In this regard, the existing production in the Mumbai offshore basin represents only the distal and youngest parts of the migratory path. Larger accumulations, closer to the kitchen area, should be expected in the earliest sedimentary sequences. In contrast, the southernmost of the marginal basins along the western coast of India, the KKL basin, did not go through a "restricted basin" phase and hence it is probably gas prone.


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How to Cite

Kumar, N. (2018). Petroleum Potential of the West Coast of India. Journal of The Indian Association of Sedimentologists (peer Reviewed), 35(2), 33–49. Retrieved from
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