Texture and major element geochemistry of channel sediments in the Orsang and Hiren River Basins, Gujarat, India: Implications for provenance and weathering
Sediments, Grain size, Provenance, Weathering, Orsang riverAbstract
Size, shape, degree of sorting, and composition of sediments in the river channels are controlled by climate, lithology, weathering, sorting, and medium of transportation. The present investigation is focused on the grain-size and geochemical analysis of the channel sediments of the Orsang and Hiren river basins. Major outcrops in the study area are Archaean granites, granitic gneisses, Upper Cretaceous to lower Eocene Deccan Volcanic Basalts (DVB), Quaternary sediments and minor proportion of Proterozoic low grade metamorphic rocks. The sediments are poorly to moderately sorted, very finely skewed, suggesting its derivation from heterogenous sources, while the kurtosis value indicates a high-energy depositional environment. The sediments are with gravelly sand texture and the mean grain size is varying from 581.9µm to 1284.2µm. The DVB provenance of the Hiren river basin and granitic provenance of the Orsang river basin is clearly reflected in the texture and geochemical composition of sediments. The TiO2 and Fe2O3 contents of sediments from the Hiren river basin are distinctly higher and are comparable to the basalts of the Saurashtra region of the Deccan Province. Sediments collected after Orsang and Hiren rivers confluence and from Narmada river show higher concentration of felsic sources, indicating that Orsang river's sediment supply significantly outweighs Hiren rivers. The arkosic-litharenite nature points towards less transportation and moderate chemical weathering for the Orsang river sediments. The low Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values (Avg. 48.45 and 56.99 for Orsang and Hiren rivers, respectively) and A-CN-K plot also suggest the supply of sediments from minimally weathered detritus under a semi-arid condition.
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