Provenance and Diagenetic Features of Sandstones in the Surma -Tipam Transitional Sequence exposed in the Schuppen Belt, Naga Hills, NE India
petrography, provenance, diagenesis, tectonic setting, Surma-Tipam Transitional Sequences, Belt of Scuppen, Naga-Hills.Abstract
The Belt of Schuppen, a significant part of Indo-Burma Ranges is basically comprised of the molasses of Tertiary age. This tectono – stratigraphic belt is restricted by two major thrust fault namely Disang thrust and Naga thrust. In the southern part of Naga Hills a significant part of the belt is occupied by Surma – Tipam Transitional Sequences (STTS). The present study deals with the petrography, provenance, tectonic setting and diagenetic changes of STTS sandstones. The sandstones of STTS belong to arkose and arkosic wacke categories. It shows a mixed provenance of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. The major contribution of detritus has been observed from Recycled Orogen, Dissected Arc, Transitional Continental and Basement uplift. Different diagenetic signatures observed in these sandstones such as, point, long and concavo convex grain boundary, albitization, crushing and squashing of quartz grains, warping of mica around detrital grains, kink bending of mica suggest early to a late stage deep burial diagenesis.
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