Effects of transgression on sedimentation system vis-à-vis coastal erosion on the Chandipur coast, Odisha, India
There has been a decade-long debate about global warming and its far-reaching effect on sea level rise. However, little attention has so far been given to the effects of transgression in sedimentation systems. The present paper deals with the effects of transgression on sedimentation dynamics of a meso - to micro -tidal coastal environment. The sediment characteristics, flow dynamics, current flow patterns giving rise to facies of the individual environments have been analysed in detail. Shallow vertical trenches excavated in different parts of the coastal area elucidated facies characteristics and shifting of facies in response to transgression. The temporal variation in facies gave rise to a facies model that can be used as an authenticated tool for interpreting similar ancient environments. The coastal erosion resulting from on-going transgression and other short-term causes has also been evaluated with the help of facies mapping for last ~15 years and modifications in geomorphic features along and across the coastline. The coastal erosion concomitant with anthropogenic interventions cause serious stress on biological inhabitants of coastal areas. Coastal conservation and management studies will help in protecting further degradation of coastal areas and also help to maintain the biodiversity and ecosystem.
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