Geochemical Evolution of Dolomites in Thanagazi Formation of Mesoproterozoic Alwar Basin, Northwest India
Alwar, Dolomite, Diagenesis, Geochemistry, Sedimentary ProvenanceAbstract
The geochemistry of dolomite in part of the Thanagazi Formation in the Mesoproterozoic Alwar Basin has been studied employing major and trace elements, including rare earth elements (REEs) to understand their provenance and paleoweathering conditions. In the current study, two distinct types of dolomites were identified viz. amorphous and crystalline. Various geochemical discriminants such as SiO2 vs Al2O3 and CaO vs MgO indicate that the dolomites were originated from sedimentary sources with substantial metasomatic and biogenic contributions. Geochemical constraints from plots of Fe2O3/Al2O3 vs. Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3) and rare earth element compositions for provenance signatures suggest likely deposition of dolomites in shallow marine sedimentary environment. Based on geothermometric estimates and base metal concentrations in dolomites, it is inferred that the mixing of sediments derived from two different sources (metasomatic and biogenic) were likely responsible for the dolomitization in the Thanagazi Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Alwar Basin.
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