Water Quality Index (WQI) to Evaluate Groundwater Quality in Chickmagaluru District, South Karnataka, India
Groundwater quality analysis is essentially prima facie in the present scenario. To evaluate groundwater quality 14 different physiochemical parameters were analyzed for groundwater samples in the study area. Water Quality Index (WQIs) is a composite indicator of water quality. The water quality index contains various parameters that can be quickly and easily communicated to its intended audience. WQI is one of the most effective techniques for determining the appropriateness of groundwater for drinking purposes. The extracted components indicate that geological, agricultural, rainfall, household wastewater, and industrial activities are causing the sources to exceed the permissible limit. The present study contributes in understanding the groundwater quality in the Chickmagaluru district. It also helps in the understanding hydrogeochemical process of groundwater and effective interpretation of groundwater.
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