Provenance Characterization and Palaeoenvironmental Analysis of the Meta-Sedimentary Rocks of Sonaghati Formation, Betul District, Madhya Pradesh Using Geochemical Approach
Betul Belt, Meta-Sedimentary, Geochemistry, Graphite, Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ).Abstract
Betul belt, ENE-WSW trending, 135 km long, prominent litho-tectonic unit exposed in the central part of Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) is composed of meta-sedimentary & meta-volcanic rocks intruded by mafic-ultramafic and granitic suite of rocks, belonging to Palaeoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic age. This belt is traversed by several ENE-WSW trending, sub-vertical ductite shear zones.
The meta-sedimentary rocks of Sonaghati Formation were geochemically characterized and their geochemical composition was interpreted for provenance characterization and paleo-environmental assessment. The weathering indices including Chemical index of Alteration, Chemical index of Weathering, Plagioclase Index of Alteration and Weathering Index of Parker indicate that theses meta-sedimentary rocks have witnessed the substantial amount of weathering at the source without any evidence of potash metasomatism. The Bivariate plots using the major and trace element composition show co-linear trends, which reflect that all these samples belong to co-genetic population and the visible compositional variation could be attributed to chemical, mineralogical and textural maturity.
The Sonaghati metasedimentary rocks are enriched in REE with negative Eu anomaly. The LREE enrichment varies from 122 to 174 times and that of the HREE enrichment ranges from 12 to 31 times of Chondrite indicating highly varied protoliths. The provenance characterization was attempted using the large ion lithophile elements and high field strength elements. The results show that the precursor for these meta-sedimentary litho-units are mixed source with the major contributor being felsic to intermediate and minor contribution has come from the mafic end members. These meta-sedimentary rocks were deposited in the overall semi arid climate with a sequential transition, suggesting the variable climatic conditions ranging from semi-arid to arid. The Cu/Zn, V/Cr ratios, and presence of pyrites dissemination and stringers eventually indicate the prevalence of reducing environmental conditions during the deposition of these meta-sediments.
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