Grain size variation in sand column along Chhatrapur coast, Ganjam district, Odisha – A clue to the depositional environment
Grain size, depositional environment, texture, heavy mineral concentration.Abstract
The concentration of heavy mineral placer deposits along the coastal tracts are function of various favourable factors i.e. hinterland geological formations, prevalence of favourable climatic condition, their transportation through intricate drainage systems and various coastal processes, which operated during the geological past. Textural analysis of the available unconsolidated sediments from the present deposits is of vital importance to decode the prevailing depositional environment while grain size analysis is the major parameter used. Present study highlights the grain size analysis of the identified sand column from Chhatrapur Mineral Sand Deposit along the coastal tract of Odisha to infer the environment of deposition of heavy mineral bearing sand and their heavy mineral content variation. Standard procedure of sampling, data analysis and interpretation techniques were adopted. Result shows that, sands from frontal and rear dune are characterized by distinct bi-modal distribution, medium to fine, moderately to well sorted with good positive skewness, whereas, sand from Inter-dunal region shows dominant unimodal, medium to coarse grain, moderately poorly sorted nature and slightly positive skewness. The better heavy mineral concentration (10 to 25 % grade) in frontal and rear dunes is attributed to prevalence of aeolian dune deposition accompanied by good sorting. In contrast, the low concentration of heavy mineral (3 to 6 %) in inter dune region is due to occasional fluvial regime and poor sorting of sediments. Thus, grain size analysis can be an effective tool to decipher local prevailing depositional environment, which has a bearing on heavy mineral concentration as well.
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