A Mass Balance Approach in Sediment Budgeting of Large Alluvial Rivers with special emphasis on the Brahmaputra in Assam
Morphology of an alluvial river channel is the consequence of erosion, sediment transport and sedimentation in a river. Sediment budget accounts for the sources, sinks and redistribution pathways of sediments, solutes and nutrients in a unit region over unit time. Human activities are the most important factors that affect the variation in the pattern of river sediment load. This paper discusses sediment budget of a few large rivers by review of literature and estimation of sediment budget of Brahmaputra River in Assam using mass balance approach. An attempt has also been made to discuss human and climatic impact on sediment load of major rivers of the world. Total sediment load in the Brahmaputra River at downstream location (India-Bangladesh border) was estimated to be 814×106 t/year. Considering 10% of sediment load of the Brahmaputra as bed load, suspended sediment load at downstream was estimated to be 733×106 t/year. Tributaries, bank erosion and scouring of river bed were found to contribute 52%, 27% and 21% respectively to sediment load of Brahmaputra at downstream locations. In spite of limitations of the dependable data, future complexity due to climate change impact and hydropower dam initiative in upstream of the River, the study is a simplified approach in sediment budgeting of the Brahmaputra.
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